Dry brushing

Dry brushing

My morning secret for perfect skin!

Dry brushing:

We brush our hair, teeth and even our eyebrows. But did you know that brushing can also benefit our whole body? Dry brushing is my own little secret of youth and wellness for perfect skin and body detox, and it something I would strongly recommend! It is a natural beauty routine that helps us focus on our body and relate with ourselves in a beautiful way, while maintaining the results of a skin treatment.


Dry brushing is good for your body

Dry brushing is a relatively simple method of skincare that takes just ten minutes of your time and, as its name suggests, it is nothing but brushing dry skin with a body brush. Dry brushing has its roots in the science of Ayurveda. It has been tested for many centuries and offers multiple benefits to the body.

  • Stimulates the circulatory system: As you will notice the skin will turn slightly red after the procedure, which is due to the increase of blood flow.
  • Improves cellulite: The lymphatic fluid circulates via the blood and is filtered by the lymph nodes. The stimulation of the circulatory system contributes to the decongestion of the lymph pathways, resulting in faster elimination of toxins from the body and improving the appearance of “orange peel skin”.
  • Exfoliates: Like all exfoliating methods, dry brushing removes grease, impurities and dead cells from the surface of the skin. The result is a radiant, smooth, soft and rejuvenated skin.
  • Stimulates collagen production: Increased blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients finding their way to the skin. Fibroblasts are stimulated, collagen production increases and the epidermis recovers its volume and elasticity.


The process in detail

  1. You will need a brush with natural, glossy hair. There are also synthetic ones if you are vegan. Go for a brush with a long handle that will help you reach the harder to reach areas of the back.
  2. The best time for dry brushing is before the shower, in order to remove the dead cells most effectively. I prefer the morning hours, as dry brushing stimulates the body and there is a possibility to create difficulty sleeping if you do it at night.
  3. Make sure your skin is completely dry. Brush by applying gentle pressure, making circular, rhythmic movements from the bottom upwards and always towards the heart. Start from the top part of the soles and continue towards the shins and thighs. When you start working on the back of the thighs, apply more thoroughly to the buttocks or wherever more care is needed. Circular clockwise movements are recommended for the abdominal area. Arms are handled the same way as the legs, the movement should always be with a direction towards the heart. In the neckline area, move in the reverse direction, i.e. from the shoulders down.
  4. When done, have your shower as usual. As your skin has been exfoliated, soap it gently and do not use a loofah.
  5. After showering, the key is to moisturize your body with oil or body milk.
  6. Avoid dry brushing if you suffer from skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as it can worsen the symptoms; you can still apply topically.
  7. You don't have to follow the dry brushing routine every day. Once or twice a week is enough. After all, as is the case with most beauty routines, they should not be adhered to compulsively day in day out, but whenever we have time and willingness to pamper our body, as they are acts of love and care for ourselves.


For more information about dry brushing, you can visit my GoodLife by Gina YouTube channel and watch the related video, as well as acquaint yourself with my other favourite beauty routines!